What a gorgeous, glorious day today. Perfect for a visit to the plot.
The most exciting thing about our visit today was the obvious interest in our shed by our friendly pair of plot robins. When we last went we noticed that a nest had been built in the corner on top of a shelf. It was interesting, but we left it as we found it, thinking that it had probably been abandoned.
Then look what we found today!
Babies!! Five of them :) The robins didn't seem in the slightest bit worried about us being there and kept flying in and out of the gap where the plank is missing off the shed door with worms and the like for the babies to munch on. They basically ignored us, or waited for us to get out of the way. Needless to say, we did keep out of their way and went in the shed as little as possible (although we did have to go in as all our tools are in there!). It was fascinating to watch them!
This pic is purely to show the gap in the shed door :)
We had spuds to get in - I wanted to sow most of the rest of my Anya salad potatoes in (holding a few back to put in when I take my first lot out - it's an experiment to see what I get :) ). I also wanted to get in a row of maincrop (Cara).
We are in the process of forcing some of our rhubarb - we did it last year and it was great. You can see the unforced ones on the right hand side of the bin. Granted they are younger than the one in the bin - however we were still amazed to see what awaited us......
It was monstrous (in the nicest possible way!)!! We had Rhubarb Fool for pudding - yum yum!
Finally a photo of my cute bike all laden with rhubarb and flowers! Set for a pleasant cycle home in the sunshine! Generally a very nice day!