...has gone totally bonkers! This year for the first time I forced my strongest plants, and they've been great, growing tall and very tender under a big black compost bin. I pulled loads today and didn't even make a dent, plenty enough for us and spare to give to my neighbours. Yum, yum! I'm going to let it out now and have a bit of sunshine and get it's strength back. Next year I'll definately be forcing the other half of my rhubarb patch while this year's star can recoup for a couple of years. Now what to cook...?
So, today the weather at the plot was lovely, warm, but breezy. I sowed two more types of peas, Lincoln and Kelvedon Wonder in my pea bed and another Rondo in the bean bed along with a few seeds of french bean Kinghorn Wax in front of the row. Hubby earthed up the spuds again (even more frost bitten, though it doesn't seem to be stopping them growing up and out of the earth mounds - tough little things).
The peas I sowed a few weeks ago have popped up nicely...along with a fair few volunteer spuds too! Mostly Pink Firs from last year's crop which had so many little 'uns that it was almost impossible to get them all. I had about half a row in the potato bed that didn't have spuds in (I run out). So, I popped a few of the strongest spuds along with a good clump of earth in there. They've a 50:50 chance and as they were lovely Pink Firs (which I didn't buy this year) I've risked it.
Gooseberries and jostaberries are looking good. As are the currants. They are absolutely dripping in berries yippee! I did notice a bit of leaf curl on a few of the leaves though and these aphids tucked up snug and dry underneath. I don't want to spray so I'll need to get the girlie on a ladybird hunt - or start squishing - yuk!